Psychological Assessment Services

As someone with a passion for understanding how the brain works, assessment is a core component of the services at Hawthorn Psychological Health. Assessment is the structured measurement of functioning used to create a detailed and comprehensive understanding of a person’s social, emotional, behavioral, intellectual, and/or academic functioning.

I provide two main types of assessment for adults: Psychodiagnostic testing and Psychoeducational testing. I do not provide assessment services for children or adolescents.

Psychodiagnostic Testing for Adults (age 18+)

Psychodiagnostic testing can be helpful to better understand complex psychological or psychiatric symptom patterns. For example, it can pinpoint specific clinical diagnoses and personality traits that are causing difficulty in a person’s life, which can then be used to create a comprehensive plan for treatment. Please note that I do not provide assessments for questions regarding the autism spectrum.

Psychodiagnostic testing is also sometimes a required part of evaluation for medical treatments, such as pre-transplant or pre-surgical psychological evaluations (e.g., bariatric surgery), and can also be helpful for individuals who wonder whether they have cognitive or other changes associated with medical conditions (e.g., cancer). 

The process of psychological testing varies depending on the question(s) being asked. It always includes a clinical interview with the patient and administration of symptom, functioning, and/or personality measures, as well as review of medical, school, and/or work records. Interviews with others who know the patient well can also be very helpful, with the patient’s consent.


Psychoeducational Testing for Adults (age 18+)

Psychoeducational testing is most frequently needed when someone is having difficulty at school and/or work, and can be especially helpful if someone is wondering if accommodations in these settings might be appropriate.

This type of assessment includes an interview with the patient and administration of measures based on specific questions, including those related to intelligence and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Testing is typically the first step in establishing a diagnosis (if there is one) and the information about the individual’s strengths and challenges is used to create individualized recommendations for moving forward. Interviews with others who know the patient well can also be very helpful, with the patient’s consent.

What to expect

The assessment is typically split into 3 parts. In part one, a clinical interview and review of paperwork and clinical measures is completed. This is often done via telehealth to reduce travel time and other inconveniences for the patient. Part two is testing, where you can expect to spend several hours to a full day in the assessment. Part three is a feedback session where information from testing, any diagnoses, and individualized recommendations for follow-up are provided.



Because each assessment is unique and structured based on the specific questions of the patient, assessment fees vary and are billed on an hourly basis. Assessments typically take between four and twenty hours, so an estimated range for the total cost is provided before testing begins. Payment for testing is broken up throughout the process as a means of easing the financial burden. A credit card number must be provided prior to the initial appointment.

I plan the assessment, administer and score all tests, interpret the findings, and write the report. No psychometricians, other technicians, or students are used at any stage of the assessment.

Like many psychology practices, Hawthorn Psychological Health is out-of-network for health insurance companies. Health insurance often covers at least part of the cost of psychodiagnostic assessments, as well as assessments related to ADHD.

It is the patient’s responsibility to determine their insurance benefits. I will provide you with the necessary documentation (e.g., superbill) of time and billing codes so that you can submit them to your insurance for reimbursement, should that option be available to you.

Note: there are no guarantees about the specific outcome of assessment, meaning that even if someone is certain of a diagnosis going into an assessment, the data may identify a different diagnosis (or none at all) is the actual clinical conclusion.